Anadolu'da Bulunan Suriye Kökenli Mühürler ve Mühür Baskıları |
The book prepared by Prof. Dr. Armağan ERKANAL was published by the Turkish Historical Society in 1994. The book is peer-reviewed and indexed in an international database. |
İ. Metin Akyurt ve Bahattin Devam Anı Kitabı: |
The book, prepared under the editorship of the faculty members of our department in memory of our doctoral students İ. Metin AKYURT and Bahattin DEVAM, who were martyred in a bomb attack on the Nusaybin Girnavaz excavation vehicle in 1991, was published by Archaeology-Art Publications in 1995. The book contains 47 articlesfrom various disciplines. |
M.Ö. 2. Binde Anadolu'da Ölü Gömme Adetleri |
The doctoral thesis prepared by İ. Metin AKYURT was revised and published by the faculty members of our department after his martyrdom. It was published by the Turkish Historical Society in 1998. |
Panaztepe II |
The book prepared by Prof. Dr. Sevinç GÜNEL was published by the Turkish Historical Society in 1999. The book is peer-reviewed and indexed in an international database. |
Hayat Erkanal'a Armağan: |
The book, prepared under the editorship of the faculty members of our department to celebrate the 65th birthday of Prof. Dr. Hayat ERKANAL, who contributed to both undergraduate and graduate education since the establishment of our department, was published by Homer Publishing House in 2006. The book contains a total of 109 articles from various disciplines. |
Batı Anadolu ve Doğu Akdeniz Geç Tunç Çağı Kültürleri Üzerine Yeni Araştırmalar |
Some of the papers presented at the symposium held on April 24-25, 2007 were published by our university in 2008. |
Gökçeada: |
The book prepared by Prof. Dr. Halime HÜRYILMAZ, which introduces Gökçeada, was published by the Gökçeada Municipality in 2006.
Eski Anadolu Madenciliği: |
This book prepared by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Tekin, was published by Bilgin Kültür ve Sanat Publications in 2015.
Tarihöncesinde Mezopotamya |
The book titled "Prehistory of Mesopotamia", prepared by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Tekin, was published by Bilgin Kültür ve Sanat Publications in 2017. |
Madeni Eser Tipolojisi |
The book titled "Metal Artifact Typology", prepared by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Tekin, was published by Bilgin Kültür ve Sanat Publications in 2018.
Tarihöncesinde Türkiye’de Neler Oldu? Türkiye’nin İlk Köyleri, İlk Köylüleri |
This book, prepared by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Tekin, was published by Bilgin Kültür ve Sanat Publications in 2022. |